Foundations of Machine Learning (2018/19)
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kigali, Rwanda
This course was part of the African Masters in Machine Intelligence (AMMI) at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Rwanda.
Part 1: Mathematical Foundations
- Linear Algebra (MML book chapter 2)
- Groups
- Vector spaces
- Linear independence
- Basis
- Coordinate representation
- Basis change
- Linear mappings
- Analytic Geometry (MML book chapter 3)
- Eigenvalues
- Norms and inner products
- Distances and angles
- Orthogonal projections
- Vector Calculus (slides, MML book chapter 5)
- Scalar differentiation
- Partial derivatives
- Jacobian
- Chain rule
- Derivatives of matrices w.r.t. matrices
- Gradients in a multi-layer neural network
- Statistics and Probability Theory (slides, MML book chapter 6)
- Statistics to describe datasets: means, variances, covariances, medians
- Basic probability distributions: Bernoulli, Binomial, Beta, Gaussian, Gamma
- Parameter estimation (maximum likelihood, MAP estimation)
- Key concepts in probability theory
- Optimization (MML book chapter 7)
- Gradient descent
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Momentum
- Constrained optimization
Part 2: Machine Learning
- Graphical Models (slides, Chris Bishop’s book chapter)
- Directed graphical models
- Undirected graphical models
- D-separation
- Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis (slides, MML book chapter 10)
- Maximum variance perspective
- Projection perspective
- Key steps of PCA in practice
- Probabilistic PCA
- Other perspectives of PCA
- Linear Regression (slides, MML book chapter 9)
- Maximum likelihood estimation
- Maximum a posteriori estimation
- Bayesian linear regression
- Distribution over functions
- Model Selection (slides, MML book chapter 8)
- Cross validation
- Information criteria
- Bayesian model selection
- Occam’s razor and the marginal likelihood
- Gaussian Process Regression (slides, GPML book)
- Model
- Inference with Gaussian processes
- Training via evidence maximization
- Model selection
- Interpreting the hyper-parameters
- Practical tips and tricks when working with Gaussian processes
- Bayesian Optimization (slides)
- Optimization of meta-parameters in machine learning systems
- Acquisition functions
- Practicalities
- Applications
- Sampling (slides)
- Monte Carlo estimation
- Importance sampling
- Rejection sampling
- Metropolis Hastings
- Slice sampling
- Gibbs sampling
- Density Estimation with Gaussian Mixture Models (slides, MML book chapter 11)
- Mixture models
- Parameter estimation
- Implementation
- Latent variable perspective
- Classification with Logistic Regression (slides)
- Logistic sigmoid and as a posterior class probability
- Implicit modeling assumptions
- Maximum likelihood estimation
- MAP estimation
- Probabilistic model
- Laplace approximation
- Bayesian logistic regression
- Information Theory (slides by Pedro Mediano)
- Entropy
- KL divergence
- Mutual information
- Coding theory
- Information theory and statistical inference
- Variational Inference (slides)
- Inference as optimization
- Evidence lower bound
- Conditionally conjugate models
- Mean-field variational inference in conditionally conjugate models
- Black-box variational inference for hierarchical Bayesian models
- Gradient estimators
- Amortized inference
- Richer posteriors
- Statistics of datasets (ipynb)
- Angles and distances between images (ipynb)
- Orthogonal projections (ipynb)
- Principal component analysis (ipynb)
- Linear regression (ipynb)
- Gaussian processes (ipynb, from GP summer school)
- Sampling
- Gaussian mixture models (ipynb)
- Logistic regression (ipynb)
- Deisenroth et al.: Mathematics for Machine Learning
- Coursera course on empirical statistics, inner products, orthogonal projections and PCA
- Bishop: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 2006
- MacKay: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, 2003
- Strang: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Marc Deisenroth (Lecturer)
- Kossi Amouzouvi (Tutor, AIMS Rwanda)
- Oluwafemi Azeez (Tutor, CMU Africa)
- Steindór Sæmundsson (Tutor, Imperial College London)
- Pedro Martinez Mediano (Tutor, Imperial College London)